Word from the president

Thanks be to God who makes all things possible. He inspired me to create a renowned entity, a school for mothers, through the Association of Leading Mothers since June 1, 2023. With boldness, I set out to fulfill His will, and today it is accomplished. I am blessed with a high-quality social relationship that contributes to affirming my leadership by transforming the lives of many mothers and fostering the well-being of families.

I thank the members of the board for their daily work, carried out with kindness and skill. A big thank you to all the mothers who placed their trust in me and responded without hesitation to this divine call, as they have finally found a healthy and conducive environment for their growth and flourishing. I applaud you for all the small steps you have taken, whose sum will lead to the success of your projects by God’s grace.

Let us stay focused on our vision: to create a world where mothers are leaders for their children, ensuring their healthy growth and a bright future.

To achieve this vision, we conduct several ongoing activities and training sessions on:

  • Parenting
  • Self-awareness
  • Self-esteem
  • Leadership
  • Adolescent coaching
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Public speaking through interviews
  • Networking among mothers
  • Financial education

If you are also a mother looking for a healthy environment for your personal growth and your family’s well-being, you are welcome to join us in this wonderful organization💫

⭐️Leading Mothers, a new generation of mothers ⭐️

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