Our formations

We train mothers in managing their budget, saving, investing, how to make money, etc.

Investing between mothers in joint projects. Establish and maintain relationships for the purpose of exchanging knowledge, support, recommendations, referrals, information and introductions to others. Networking between moms

Multiply sources of income to build a generational legacy for your children. The different themes of training on children’s inheritance

We train mothers in coaching adolescents in order to overcome their personal and even academic difficulties, in order to allow them to release their potential and others. The different topics on coaching adolescents

We place a strong emphasis on training mothers in leadership just like the others. This allows mothers to work on their sense of legitimacy…

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Self-esteem is a foundation that allows you to grow peacefully, find the energy to undertake new endeavors, and, above all, allow yourself to be happy.

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Self-knowledge is the knowledge that a person acquires about themselves in terms of the values, interests and skills that define their identity.

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The association trains mothers in the education of their children, allowing them to better understand, identify with, and build strong bonds with their children.

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